Materials and Methods:
Blood samples were sent to our laboratory and extracted to yield RNA (Qiagen, Qiasymphony Dsp Virus/Patogen Midi Kit,Germany) and had the RNA quantitation with Rotor-Gene RG-3000 (Corbett Research, Qiagen). Genotyping of samples was carried out with Real Time PCR Reagents Kit (Genome Diagnostics, India).
In our multivariable analysis, while evaluating the association of the different genotypes with demographic data, we find a notable difference in genotype distribution among genders and it was obviously seen that genotype 1 was common among older patients, while genotype 3 was common among younger subjects.
This study demonstrated the existence of genotype 1 patients highly prevalant (%60) in our study. Although there was no statistically significant relationship between genotype distrubition and HCV RNA load (p>0.005) and AST levels, ALT levels in group of genotype 3 were significantly higher (p=0.0001).Genotype 1 patients were 60% of all and the results of prevalence rates are consistent with other literature in Turkey.